Algae ranging between living and dead matter
Imagine a world in which we harness nature in favor of man without harming it. Wonderings upon our consumption habits and a vision for a better well being for the planet and for us, have generated a design process examining the algae as a catalyst for perceptual change.
SEAmpaty Displays objects with a lot of respect and love for nature, which on one hand Trying to cultivate the Algae, and on the other, maintaining the Algae inner world of concepts - smells, textures and unique connotations.
In an era characterized by fast and changing fashion that leads to polluting and wasteful industries, I felt that my role as a designer requires me to relate to and embrace values such as sustainability, environmental activism and zero waste.
The project provides a green alternative to a matter, and seeks to bring man and nature together by giving man an active role in growing  and recycling the object.
Biophilia believes that human beings have a natural tendency to make connections and relationships with nature, and sees nature as a major component in stimulating our senses throughout evolution.
The project engages with the Biophilic experience and natural aesthetics by objects that present two approaches which create a hybrid between land and sea:
A partition which proposes an implementation of the algae as a versatile sheet with a potential for recycling and industrialization.
Out of circular design and zero waste approaches, that tries not to produce more junk. I created biomaterial that can be use and reuse by repeating the process of its  "cooking".
At the end of the life of the new sheets, it can be used as raw material for new casting, or return it to nature
YAMA Video
Reconstruction of the algae for a configuration of living fibers that sustain photosynthesis.
During my project, I collaborate with Weizmann institution for science, and worked under Dr. Filipe Natalio's lab for researching and developing methods for creating living matter.
Experimenting with new field and co-working with scientists was essential and meaningful.
The purpose of the experiment was to create a manipulation for a living microscopic algae colony while preserving it in life.
After many attempts and development time I have reached the accuracy required to produce a shell for algae that on the one hand transforms into a material for the formation of spheres or fibers and on the other hand allows gases exchange and the continuation of living material.
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